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Exporting Results Tables

Easily download excel tables of your classification data

Denise Lynch avatar
Written by Denise Lynch
Updated over 6 months ago

There are multiple ways and formats in which you can export your results.

Single Samples

When viewing the results card for an individual sample, you can view and export the complete results table for that sample at the bottom of the page. This is available in both a comma-separated file (.csv) or in excel format (.xlsx).

You can also download the classification assigned to each individual read by clicking the "Read-Level Data" button at the top-right of the results page. Each line in the file represents the classification for a given read. If you uploaded paired-end files to the platform, the files were interleaved before classification. Therefore, (excluding the header line), line 1 of the results file corresponds to sequence 1 of the R1 file. Line 2 of the results file corresponds to sequence 1 of the R2 file.

Batch of Samples

You can export an Excel file for a batch or project of samples at once. One easy way is to display your samples as a table, by clicking on the button circled in red in the below image.

Now that your samples are listed, you can select each sample that you wish to include. You can also select a tag or project to filter to just those samples that have that tag or belong to that project, and then click "Select all ## samples" at the top-left of the table. Once your samples are selected, click "Download Selected" > "Results Table (.xlsx)", shown in the below image. You can also choose to export in .biom format or long-format, depending on your requirements for downstream processing.

Exporting from Images

We've also made it possible to export the same Results Table (.xlsx) from within our Quick Compare feature. When viewing the abundances or reads bar plots for your samples of interest, you can click the "Download" button (circle 1 in the below plot) to generate that same excel file for those samples. The arrow button (circle 2) allows you to export the .biom format or long-format files for those samples.

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